Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Time flies when you have no idea where it goes

So, I woke up with this feeling that I never have any time. But then, thinking about it further, I have absolutely no idea where all this time goes. I mean, I can name a few pastimes, but nothing that would be taking up a considerable chunk. Weird.

My theory about time going faster as you get older has to do with lifetime. Like, to a 5 year old, a year is 1/5th of their lifetime. But to me, a year is almost 1/21st of my entire life. So days take up less and less time, because while they aren't fewer hours, they ARE less and less time to you.

Kinda depressing, actually. Life, just ticking away. And what am I doing with it? No fricking clue, (see paragraph 1).

I should probably figure that out.

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