Friday, February 27, 2009

5:30 AM musings

I don't know if this is the norm, but I find that life just gets more interesting as I get older. I think that in the past, I would have guessed that eventually things would just get to be boring, you know, with time. But the more I live, the more interesting it gets. Even the stuff I've had around me my whole life.

I think having an almost childlike amazement about life is the way to go. That way, everything is always the coolest thing ever. Every day has the potential to be the best day of your life, and honestly? I live enough in the moment and with enough excitement, that quite often, it is the best day of my life. And they just keep coming. So if I get all excited about a series of totally dumb things, and say "Best. Day. Ever." It's probably only 1/4 joking.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Things that make it difficult to be (happily) single:

Bachelorette parties
February/Valentine's Day
Cute couples
Cute babies
People getting engaged
People sending out wedding invites
The weddings themselves
Chick flicks
Hearing about anything romantic that someone has done for someone else
Getting dressed up
Having a spare evening
Listening to any song containing a romantic sentiment
Talking about boys
Having a bad day and having no one to tell about it
Having a good day and having no one to tell about it

Most of the time, I am content with being single. But sometimes, it would be nice to have someone.

(I went to a bachelorette party tonight, it was so much fun, but also a bit lonely. I'm pretty sure I was the only single girl there...)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Figured it was time for a "big girl" blog

Don't get me wrong, xanga has been the repository of my musings, rants, informative blurbs, etc for many years, and has served it's purpose quite well. But, if you tell someone you use xanga, they look at you funny. And you can't very well link someone to xanga to read your blog, especially since I have stuff on there from... gosh, middle school? Probably just early high school.

Anyways, that isn't me anymore, and xanga is fairly limited in what you can and can't do, structure wise.

So, I have graduated to this. Yay me!