Thursday, November 5, 2009

Alison: is getting poured on.

"When it rains, it pours."

Oh man, I'm just exhausted from getting repeatedly shafted. And then when life goes crazy, I get angry. People get in my way, let me down, leave me out, and I get pissed.

I'm just tired of being angry lately. I can't get my group members for vital-to-my-grade group projects to cooperate. They're sick, their kids are sick, it's a mess, they can't make school a priority like it is for me right now. I need these grades to be good. Because I need them to graduate, and be a social worker, and have a fulfilling career. Basically, by missing class, and not doing work, they're screwing with my future.

So you can see why I've been mad lately.

Oh, but it gets better. My jeep went all to hell last night, and then all to Schram Chrysler/Jeep this morning via tow truck. Never done that before, as Kilroy has always been such a good jeep. Also, they don't have an opening to work on him until Monday.

Awesome, right?

So, plan of action. Breathe. Refrain from hurting others, via words or sharp objects.

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