Monday, February 1, 2010

Hold on.

To me, the phrase "Hold on" means to either "wait" or to grab ahold of something because things are going to get rough.

I don't know which has been happening for me more. I'm waiting for the future to arrive. I'm waiting for things to even out. And I'm tying down my safety rope like a sailor in a storm and praying that it holds.

I guess that's fairly cryptic, allow me to explain some.

Yesterday, I took a leap of faith, hopefully for the right reasons. I have been a lousy friend to someone, and I prayed and prayed about how to fix that. I can't be the type of friend they want to be. And, hard as it was, I had to give that one up to God. The message that I got while praying yesterday morning was "Get out of the way, you're blocking the light." I had always been of the mindset that if God was going to work in this person's life, it was going to be me, because I was already there. But it seems that I was taking on God's job, trying to save them myself. Not my job, I need to back out, and give him the room to work. And have faith that he will, even if I am not the one doing it. And for me, that is difficult. But, it's a lesson I'll have to get good at, if I'm going to be a social worker.

Next up, waiting for the future to arrive. I don't know, I stress out alot about where I will be this summer, next year, in 5 years. By the grace of God, I will be doing social work. But, I guess that could change, which is something I don't often consider.

Anyways. I am off to try to figure out where I am living next year. Then homework, and hopefully getting more sleep. Being just a little bit sick (like I have been the past few days) is not fun.

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